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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  February 6, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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. this is a area news. just a small piece of metal stop one of santa and cisco's cable cars in its tracks. scenting passengers flying. no walker in the city with a look at the small metal bolts that stop the cable car. >> reporter: that accident happened feet from where i him standing. those cars that are parked are there for routine maintenance. i asked while they purveyor. denver parks they are because of a cable car accident earlier today.
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the streets of san francisco are a picture postcard but nowhere you've ever see that or hear this. >> the people were crashing into each other. i heard a scream. >> reporter: a cable car accident injured ten people at the the car hit a boat launched into the tracks. >> it stopped the car did. we lost one person. >> reporter: three people got medical treat it and to operators went to the hospital with non- life-threatening injuries. a fire department spokeswoman said one of the patients went cold free. explaining the man was elderly. tonight the police investigations team are looking into how the bolt got onto the track and why the car suddenly stopped.
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the accident shut down the city's two busy at the cable lines. cable cars sat empty in the middle of the street. >> about 55 people per car. it was busy. >> reporter: by mid afternoon the city was back to normal. a spokesman told me they want to find out with the bolts came from. they don't they give was put to the tracks maliciously. >> now to our coverage of the death of a 13-year old girl in fairfield. police declared her death a homicide. officers aren't releasing information about the case including how genelle allen died. a relative told us she had been's during old. her body was found friday. she was reported missing the
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night before. today police vowed to do everything they can to catch the killer. >> we want to catch them. we want to make sure we present a case to determine what happens. >> police have set up a tip line and are asking anyone to give them a call. san francisco police are providing information about the 1984 disappearance of kevin collins. investigators hope today about a person of interest. the man, who is deceased had many aliases and a criminal history. >> reporter: kevin kevin collins remains frozen in time. he disappeared after school in 1984. >> this case is a case as hard to the department. >> reporter: today police revealed details about the wind and jackson. described as a person of interest. he died in 2008.
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police say he fits the description of a man collins was seen talking to. >> he lived not far from where the abduction happened. he had a dog similar to the dog that the suspect had. >> reporter: at the time, i witnesses failed to conclusively ties into the case. investigators that jackson had five different identities and a history of kidnapping and sexual assault against boys. cold case investigators said they did with the prompting a search of jackson's old house last month. that search turned up animal bones. police are turning to the public. >> we are looking for anyone who saw this guy, anyone who popped to the sky. >> reporter: police have talked to jackson's roommate. they declined to tell us
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whether they found his car and whether they have new clues. >> we spoke to kevin collins mother after hearing from police. she said investigators showed her photos of the person of interest but did not recognize him. >> now i have a face. which means nothing to any of us. but for fully it will mean something to somebody out there. >> she also says she does not know if police missed the opportunity in 1984. however, her daughter say they think please let the killers with their fingers. information about a triple killing in sonoma county. the men were found killed tuesday afternoon in a home. investigators say the victims were found together in a bedroom. they say the men met at the home to buy marijuana and the gunman was involved in the boy.
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>> most of our violent crime is related to marijuana. >> no one has been arrested. the sheriffs department identified the three victims. now to contra costa county where police have identified two suspects in last week's shooting in a gas station. we told you investigators were looking for brian fox. now police say robert grant and demetri thomas are suspects. police say they targeted timothy smith at a gas station last tuesday. all three suspects are believed to spend time in oakland police say they are armed and dangerous. delanie walker is expressing his grief about a loss after
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the super bowl. his aunt and on goal were killed monday morning by a suspected drunk driver. it happened after they watched in place in the super bowl. police say the car was not on a highway outside of new orleans and burst into flames after it was hit. the other driver was arrested. firefighters battled a fire in the berkeley hills. we flew over the scene around noon time. you could see the fire raging. the home is at the top of a driveway. fire officials said most of the damage was to the upper floors. they say it was a tough fire to fight. >> it is difficult in the hills there are a lot of trees. they had to extend the hose lines.
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>> the fire was started by a space heater. the residents are safe. we learned the identity at a man killed in san leon joe. at that home in the 13,000 block of neptune dry. in diverse body of the fire and tried to a learned the man inside. a few minutes later the firefighters arrived the flames and smoke was coming from windows. the man was pronounced dead at the hospital. the victim was 65 years old. happening now a preferably for the city college of san francisco. everyone says they need support from the community for their coalition. the college has a march 15 a deadline to address financial problems or lose its accreditation. there are disagreements about how to use of money. estimated to bring in $14 million.
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the city and turn it is the sydney the landlord of a building where tenants are living in deplorable conditions. three weeks ago we went inside and found showers that did not drain. the landlord says since our story aired he has made improvements. he said he met with the city attorney this afternoon to work out a timeline for bringing this building up to code. a debt has been set for people to receive cash for their vouchers following a buyback program. the marin county da collected 820s guns during the events. if you handed out $70,000 worth of the jurors. those vouchers can be be deemed february 16 at the showcase theater. the money needed to make good on the vouchers is coming from private donations. the kings are closer to moving to seattle david stern
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said the group had featured an agreement to purchase the kings and have formally filed papers. he called the group very strong and said a board will make a decision on the move in april. the mayor of sacramento said he is working to put together a group to buy the team and build a stadium. a camel that got loose in concord is back at a secure corral. we have video of the unusual rondo. the owner tells us the animal, caught a fence, the highway patrol got him home but three hours later he was on the run again. >> i think he found a way to compromise the fence line. >> animal services said the owners will be given a warning. great white sharks are the
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most feared predator. now they are the ones getting protection. today they decided to move the great whites to the california threatened or endangered species list. researchers say there are fewer than 400 great whites between mexico, hawaii and alaska. >> we will sort this out, still ahead. the only thing that may have talked to bill murray at this week's golf challenge was a gorgeous weather. some of today's a big kids and some of the biggest hit makers. another day of sunshine with changes on the way.
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mom, i invited justin over for lunch. good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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it is clear tonight in emeryville after a bomb square triggered an evacuation and a six hour search today. police tell us a threat was received in this morning at that building. they've responded along with the sheriffs department. workers were evacuated from the building and another one across the street. officers searched but did not find anything. rescue crews are trying to make their way to villages following yesterday's deadly earthquake in the solomon islands. we have photos here that we received from world vision. the photos showed the distruction in several villages where over 100 homes have been lost. the organization say their crews have confirmed eight people
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dead, one of those was carried out to sea. the postal service announced a new ground round of bulk pricing that will cut saturday delivery. our editor explains what will and won't be delivered. >> reporter: the post office drowning has to stop the bleeding. the choices change some of the service will raise the price. he says that will save $2 billion a year. that is critical since they have lost so much money. post offices will be open on saturdays and if you add have a p.o. box you will be able to catch her mail on saturday. >> not to get letters on saturday would be an inch of the unions. i am used to all these years getting my mail on saturday. >> reporter: packages will come to do your home on saturdays as
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well prescriptions. some patrons said. >> it is hard to make changes. but, sometimes you do what you have to do to balance the budget. >> reporter: >> i think they are losing money. it is the right thing to do. we need to pay for our belts. >> reporter: folks from this woman's country are used to it. >> from monday to friday. there was no mail on saturday. >> for myself no problem but some businesses will have problems. >> this will be more mail coming on monday. i think it will bag like everything. >> reporter: the final decision is up to congress. more details now, from netflix. the plan to shift the postal
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service would lower netflix shipping cost. translating into fewer dvds for the same price. shares in netflix rose today. twitter is issuing a warning after pornography videos began showing up on its new app. it allows users to share videos for their phone. now is restricting it for people 17 and over. the app warns some video may contain sexual contact. the doubt -- the dow gained seven today. >> we are hoping to hear from the boy scouts on the question of gays in the organization. the boy scouts announced it is postponing its decision on gave leaders and scots until may. the board has said it was
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considering the change of this week. the proposal would allow local scouting used to decide membership rules for themselves . a report from the senate says san francisco is one of eight school system is accused of diverting funds to feed poor children. the department has ordered the district to pay back $170 million. the worst offender was the los angeles school district which accounted for $158 million. the place to expand the moscone center has cleared a hurdle. the advisors have approved the framework to pay for the project project. work is set to begin next year. some of the money will come from hotel taxes and some from the city's fund. the annual charity limit of 12 beach took place today. >> reporter: singer huey lewis
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led celebrities to the pebble beach national pro am. today's celebrity challenge included andy garcia it back to bill murray. >> it is as competitive as amateurs can stand. it gets a little easier. you aren't quite as nervous. that takes a bit of getting used to. >> reporter: thepressure that makes top movie stars humble. >> it definitely changes. you are used to playing with your friends and now you are playing in front of all these people who are expecting you to be able to the ball. >> reporter: an added pressure for performers playing golf if the plane to the crowd.
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>> it is keep your head down and talk about fiber. >> reporter: all this scenery is expected to change and the weather that was so perfect could be more wet starting tomorrow. >> if there is a good chance of rain it usually only way for a couple hours. i will keep my fingers crossed. >> reporter: in the end humid with one. now the real tournament starts tomorrow. at pebble beach we will see you later. scott be the terrier has a new feminist. as bill has decided to change the do not believe in. it asked game fans to vote for which of the toe is to keep or throw away. most of devoted to add a cat. that means the iron will no longer be passing go in the game's next version.
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it is the thing that would make a whale watchers nervous. the ride know one couple in hawaii and wet weather is set to return tomorrow. we will find out what batch we will find out which parts of the page area will see a wet commute and which parts will not. [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t.
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[ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle. get the same great price for two years. plus now two times the internet speed than before. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse tv starts at $19 a month with our triple-play bundle, with the same great price for two years. plus now get two times the internet speed than before.
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it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ ♪ [ engine revs ] [ female announcer ] small... [ engine revs ] wicked... ♪ and now... ♪ topless. ♪ the fiat 500 abarth cabrio. ♪
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the coast guard held a training exercise two to spare for the next rescue. rescue swimmers were just responding to emergencies. if they shall say they held this event which violated the potential he dangerous served on beaches. mark is here with the rain finally. >> there've been two weeks of dry weather in the bay area. that is about to change. as a result rainfall rates will be on the increase. as far as the headline for thursday plan a break area commute north of the golden gate bridge. a slight chance of thunderstorms as well and a temperature drop. right now no rain showers yet just a big shields of clouds moving into the northwestern portion of the state. those
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clouds will be on the move move. covering temperatures on the cool side already dropping down into the 40s out toward feel field. san jose reporting clear skies and 50. san francisco checking in at 50 degrees. the forecast headlines for tonight we will continue to have cloudy skies, temperatures on the cool side. tomorrows showers return and our cooling trend kicks in. no rain this weekend but a son and loud mix. a beautiful day today. as you can see looking out towards the day. things are changing at we have this low pressure moving in and the cool air moving into the northern portions of the state. that will drop our temperatures for thursday and friday. we will increase the rainfall across the bay area.
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here is our forecast model. tomorrow morning, rain fabricant parts of the north bay spreading to the south by midmorning. in the afternoon we have breaks in the afternoon with dry periods and partly cloudy skies. still we will hold onto the rain for thursday night and then into friday morning. you can pick out some act did the only friday morning. pictures everybody cooling-off santa rosa 51, san of -- the san francisco 53. here is a look ahead. we have rain in the bay area tomorrow and snow up in the s-sierra. chance of a shower for friday but it will be a dry weekend. to visitors to why he came home with an amazing video after an encounter with a whale. this couple was paddling on a canoe in the waters when suddenly, watch a whale jumped
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out of the water, hits the boat and startled the vacationers. no one was hurt and he will just swim away. enqueue for watching, we you -- we will see you the next time newsbreaks.
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♪ yeeeowwww! ♪ hot mess hot mess hot mess ♪ ♪ you're a hot kind of love you set me on fire ♪ ♪ you spice up my night feed my every desire ♪ jack's one hit wonder is now a burger.


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